By buying and/or using this product, the Buyer or User accepts the Terms and Conditions of Sale, the Inherent Risks of Use, the Warranty Disclaimer, and the Limitation of Remedies.
It is impossible to eliminate all risks associated with the use of this product. Failure to use or apply according to label instructions, abnormal environmental conditions, presence of other materials, and other factors may result in lack of product performance, crop injury, and other undesirable consequences. The Buyer or User accepts all such risks.
To the extent permitted by law, the Buyer’s or User’s exclusive remedy for any injury, loss, or damage resulting from handling or use of this product shall be limited to one of the following, at the discretion of AgXplore International, LLC: Direct damages not exceeding the purchase price of the product or replacement of the product. AgXplore International, LLC and the seller of this product shall not be liable for consequential, special, or incidental damages or losses, nor damages in the nature of a penalty.
No employee or agent of AgXplore International, LLC, nor any employee or agent of the manufacturer or seller of this product, is authorized to vary or exceed the Terms and Conditions of Sale, Inherent Risks of Use, Warranty Disclaimer, or Limitation of Remedies in any manner, including but not limited to a written or verbal statement.
By buying and/or using this product, the Buyer or User accepts the Terms and Conditions of Sale, the Inherent Risks of Use, the Warranty Disclaimer, and the Limitation of Remedies.
AgXplore International, LLC warrants that this product reasonably conforms to its chemical description on the label and is reasonably fit for the purposes stated on the label, when the product is used according to the Directions for Use and under normal conditions. AgXplore International, LLC makes no other warranty, express or implied.
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